Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our Makergear Prusa RepRap kit is done!

Our hackerspace now has 2 operational RepRap one on loan to Splatspace in Durham, and we now have our second RepRap at the space.

As you can tell I am a bit over excited! :)  Our new member Bill is very close to 1st extrusion on the 3rd, and the 4 one will be what I will be focusing my time at the space on in the coming week.

Ohhh yeaaa! :)

Lots of tutorial videos to follow.  

Friday, July 1, 2011

Skeinforge Profile Exchange

Nathan of RepRap IRC fame is working on a Skeinforge setting exchange, until that's done I have made a small bot in #reprap where we can share our Skeinforge settings.  If you notice a lack of my settings it's because I got some really nice prints with SF41 out the box using the RepRap World Tour settings (had to change a few things because I use .35 nozzle, but that's it).

Just go into the irc and type profiles?  and it will post the below links and any others that have been added.