After seeing that Google planned to maker Etherpad open source, I felt an obligation to go check it out. This seems like a perfect addition for a blog. Like an integrated comment sheet, that can be time tracked.
After looking around I found that they have a a beta embed that is abolutely awsome. -----> isn't it great! It's a snap to add to your blog. Here are the steps:
1. Go to, click [Create new Pad] Middle of the screen in blue.
2. Copy The Web address, it will look like ""Bunch of random letters and numbers"]
3. Embed the Gadget. For Blogger you follow these steps
a. Click [Layout] two tabs right of the [Posting] Tab
b. Click [HTML/Javascript]'s edit button
c. Post the code from their instructions at the bottom of the window. Be to replace their address with the one from your blog (don't ask how I found this out)
d. Save and go back to your blog. Look!! A grafitti wall for your notes, and other comments that can be added live. How fun could it be to run a live chat in that space!
Now back to Robots and plastic bits related subjects... Sorry had to share!
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