Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Fully document Makerbot Build

Attached is the 1st in a series of build videos I am making for the Maker Bot CupCake CNC. I promised myself that when I received my RepStrap, that I would document the complete build. Well what started out as a cam pointed in the general build are has turned into a full step by step birds eye of the build. I have 3 more videos ready to publish, and likely another 5-10 before I am done. Is the community interested in having this type of build video on Youtube? Would you like me to post it here, where it will get sucked into the RepRap pipe, just leave it on Youtube, or stop because I am waisting my time?

Let me know.


  1. B.t.w. how do I access the RepRap google wave? I have a G. Wave account, but then what...

  2. It's no longer private! I will keep them comming

  3. Just tried it on my Mac too, and it still doesn't work. Originally it looks like the video would be playable (I see the first frame with a play icon on it), but clicking that displays the text "This video has been removed by the user".

  4. the link above goes to a video has been removed by the user message.
    dec 16 10:46 PST

  5. I can't wait to see these videos! I am very interested!
